1) Sanitation: Keep human and pet food products properly stored, keep kitchen and bathroom counters wiped down and clean, keep the stove, refrigerator, coffee pot and related kitchen equipment clean and empty and wash all trash cans on a regular basis. Practicing good sanitation not only reduces pest activity it also aids in controlling existing pest problems.

2) Harborage areas: Remove any unnecessary harborage areas such as: wood piles trash piles, brush piles etc…. Keep gutters clean and functioning properly, keep lawn areas, landscaping, shrubbery and trees well maintained and keep shrubbery and trees trimmed away from the structure. Removing unnecessary harborage areas will minimize pest populations resulting in less pest problems.

3) Moisture sources: Eliminate any unnecessary moisture sources such as plumbing leaks, roof leaks, standing water or poor drainage conditions. Excessive moisture conditions are conducive to many pest problems and can also cause damage to the structure itself.

4) Exclusion: Seal or repair any cracks, openings, joints, plumbing and electrical entryways in exterior and interior construction which pests may use as access points or harborage areas. By minimizing pest intrusion you will minimize pest problems.

5) Listen: Your pest control service technicianmay make additional recommendations that are helpful in controlling pest problems. Your cooperation in following the above recommendations, as well as, any additional recommendations made by your pest control service technician will enhance the effectiveness of your pest control service and help to keep your home pest free.